Before taking this course I had believed myself to be an average productive student in terms of having my assignments completed and turned in on time. As the weeks went by this semester I realized one really important thing about myself that I have never noticed in the past. I am NOT as focused as I believed myself to be. When class first began I was literally introduced to RHETORIC. Rhetoric is something that I never actually put into context for the purpose of Analysis. I had to train my brain to think from different angles and it was difficult for me at times being that I have been in college for five years and my brain has never had to take in such complex thought. Literally everything that we worked on in this class was an intense learning experience for me that I will never forget.
Professor Ramirez gave us interesting assignments to do in which you had to be focused and if you were not you be become focused. The blogs were interesting I never wrote or read a blog before this class. We were to write one blog per week, which was not difficult. Thank goodness she did not give us specific topics to write about. Being free to choose our own topic gave us an outlet to write about what was on our mind and it was actually for a grade. I admit I missed a few blogs to the lack of my responsibility. I loved the blogs it set an easy routine into the course that helped the time go by smoothly. I enjoyed reading my classmates blogs and for them to read mine. It gave me a way to sort of know my class mates. From reading their blogs gave me an idea of them as a person and was able read different styles of writing from them.
I feel that I am ready for future research papers in the terms of collecting information and sorting them into the proper areas to get a complete outlook on the research. What I will say is that I need a more clears understanding of how to actually blend it all together in the order of importance and so forth.
I only wish that I had more time in the course to really take in the important details as I know that I will need these skills to continue my college education. English was never really a favorite topic. My attendance for this course was a huge surprise to me. I did NOT miss a day. I was late a few times by about 15 minutes and once I was an hour late. The hour late I could not help but the other times I should have been on time. I never thought about skipping class because I knew if I missed a day I would have set myself behind and I could not afford that. Professor Ramirez had an amazing way of teaching this course. If I did not understand something Professor Ramirez was able to explain it, and gave me countless amounts of help that have made a difference in my learning. Professor Ramirez can explain something 10 different ways if you needed her to. I remember having complete mind freezes on a few occasions on assignments that should not have been as complex as I made them to be, and Professor Ramirez helped me to begin my thought process in the right direction. I am so thankful for having a Professor with such a positive teaching outlook, being that there were many times that I just wanted to quit, I did not want to challenge myself. I wanted the easy way out. Then I looked back at the support that I was provided by Professor Ramirez and I did not want her to feel that she wasted hours helping me to complete my assignments. I have high respects for Professor Ramirez being that she is a Doctoral Candidate and she was going through many of the feelings that we were in not definitely more. So, I kept any and all excuses to myself about my work. I would only tell her that I do not understand and she would help me. No matter how petty my questions she would always have an answer and she never made me feel that –I should have known that already.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
In the years before Sesame Street aired there was an extensive amount of research that went into the production. One of the focus points of my research were the civil rights movement, Sesame Street researchers specifically addressed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a major influence on civil rights into the production. We all know how important it was during the civil rights movement to have as many resources as possible to get the idea of acceptance out to as many people as possible. Another focus point was the violence that was being shown on television. Children were watching television that was inappropriate. This came from two reasons the violence from the civil rights struggles, the protesters being abused by authorities, such as being sprayed by fire hoses, and being taunted by other who did not agree with their protests. After the assassination of President Kennedy television ran 24 hour news shows to cover the story in depth. Nightly news would broadcast all the craziness. With the fight for civil rights there was a rise in power for blacks which strengthen the Black Power movement which were not positive protest. This whole situation only was the beginning. The assassination of Dr. King set off riots all over the United States. EVERYTHING made it on television. At that time there were a few other children shows but nothing that really had an impact in any area. There was nobody willing to fund a children's program which is why there were none. Until the Federal Communication Commission(FCC) made it mandatory for each broadcaster to show at least 3 hours of children programming per week. If they did not comply then the broadcasters would not be able to renew their yearly license. The final focus was that children were not really learning enough during their preschool years and when they began school they were having a hard time academics wise and their socialization skills were very poor. Sesame Street's goal was to improve the lives of children everywhere, at first it was geared towards low income urban children but it appealed to children of all walks of life. Sesame Street premiered on November 10, 1969. The series has received 109 Emmy Awards, more than any other television series. Sesame Street is televised in more than 120 countries. It is one of the longest running shows in history.
In the years before Sesame Street aired there was an extensive amount of research that went into the production. One of the focus points of my research were the civil rights movement, Sesame Street researchers specifically addressed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a major influence on civil rights into the production. We all all know how important it was during the civil rights movement to have as many resources as possible to get the idea of acceptance out to as many people as possible. Another focus point was the violence that was being shown on television. Children were watching television that was inappropriate. This came from two reasons the violence from the civil rights struggles, the protesters being abused by authorities, such as being sprayed by fire hoses, and being taunted by other who did not agree with their protests. After the assassination of President Kennedy television ran 24 hour news shows to cover the story in depth. Nightly news would broadcast all the craziness. With the fight for civil rights there was a rise in power for blacks which strengthen the Black Power movement which were not positive protest. This whole situation only was the beginning. The assassination of Dr. King set off riots all over the United States. EVERYTHING made it on television. At that time there were a few other children shows but nothing that really had an impact in any area. There was nobody willing to fund a children's program which is why there were none. Until the Federal Communication Commission(FCC) made it mandatory for each broadcaster to show at least 3 hours of children programming per week. If they did not comply then the broadcasters would not be able to renew their yearly license. The final focus was that children were not really learning enough during their preschool years and when they began school they were having a hard time academics wise and their socialization skills were very poor. Sesame Street's goal was to improve the lives of children everywhere, at first it was geared towards low income urban children but it appealed to children of all walks of life. Sesame Street premiered on November 10, 1969. The series has received 109 Emmy Awards, more than any other television series. Sesame Street is televised in more than 120 countries. It is one of the longest running shows in history.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

I read an article today that stated a law changed in London to where Psychics, Spiritual Healers, and the like can possibly lead them to be persecuted and prosecuted. The Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951 was their protection against anyone who rendered services from them and they could not seek legal action if the services did not help. I guess the British Prime Minister believed that if that type of practice was generating so much money that they needed to do something to protect the consumers. These changes should come into effect next month.
The majority of them fall under a "Religious" practice. What is upsetting them is that now they have to prove that they are "Genuine". Which no other religion has to do.
I look at it like this People do go to Psychics for many different reasons. Mainly because of an interest in what they may find out. Others yes they may have troubles health wise, financial wise, or emotionally. I really do not think that even in the most desperate cases that a person would automatically run to a Psychic or a spiritual as their first option. It may be something that is a last resort. Which leads to why they would even try to bring legal action to them if everything else they tried before did not work. Then why take it out on the Psychic, and healers?
Hopefully people are smart enough to know that yes the power of believing lies in the believer. If they choose to respect a Psychic enough to go to them then they should also respect the fact that they may not get the exact outcome as they expected.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Are you ever TOO old?
So my thought for this week is.... Do you ever get to a certain age to where you feel that you may be a little too old for mom and dad to tell you what you can and can not do? Well in my case, I live Alone, I pay all of my bills Alone, I take care of everything that I have to on my own. Yes I have a mother who will do things for me voluntarily but not to the extent where I am dependent on her for it.
So this is the story, my Best friend's grandmother passed away just recently and I have not been the comforting and supporting best friend that I should be. I have known her grandmother for seven years and I know her more than I know my own grandmother. I have been so consumed with work and school that I have yet to go visit her and the family to show my support. Well my best friend understands and has not held it against me. I call her as often as I know she would need someone to talk to, and this week she was out shopping for some items that she needed for a mass that they will have for her grandmother which will be held in Juarez. I let her know that I want to go and to let me know for sure so that I can ride over there with them, I can not drive in Juarez...
The next day I'm talking to my mother and tell her that I'm going to the mass in Juarez. She tells me that I am not going! My mother has been keeping up with everything violence wise that has been going on there in Juarez. What worries my mother the most is the things that happen to women. I mean I respect that she cares and worries about my safety. I have been there plenty of times with my best friend and her family for similar situations such as masses and baptisms in Churches. Granted I am still going regardless.
Would this be considered disobeying my mother??
So this is the story, my Best friend's grandmother passed away just recently and I have not been the comforting and supporting best friend that I should be. I have known her grandmother for seven years and I know her more than I know my own grandmother. I have been so consumed with work and school that I have yet to go visit her and the family to show my support. Well my best friend understands and has not held it against me. I call her as often as I know she would need someone to talk to, and this week she was out shopping for some items that she needed for a mass that they will have for her grandmother which will be held in Juarez. I let her know that I want to go and to let me know for sure so that I can ride over there with them, I can not drive in Juarez...
The next day I'm talking to my mother and tell her that I'm going to the mass in Juarez. She tells me that I am not going! My mother has been keeping up with everything violence wise that has been going on there in Juarez. What worries my mother the most is the things that happen to women. I mean I respect that she cares and worries about my safety. I have been there plenty of times with my best friend and her family for similar situations such as masses and baptisms in Churches. Granted I am still going regardless.
Would this be considered disobeying my mother??
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Spring Break
I really made a big sacrifice and did not take a trip this year for spring break. Reason being, I feel that I did not deserve to go anywhere not with the grades I have been making. I so called planned on catching up with all of my past due work but it is just getting harder and harder for me to actually do it. I have been in slow motion mode this whole semester. I NEED HELP!! SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A SWIFT KICK IN THE BUTT, maybe that will work, Let me know what the price will be before doing so.. I have to make sure I have the funds available.....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I attended the symposium on March 7, 2008, before going I had no idea on what to really get from this. What I found out when I sat there for the first fifteen minutes was that hearing the Undergraduate round table discuss there topics of research and answering the question that were being asked to them, only helped me to understand the critical thinking of rhetoric. I was so shocked that I could finally describe it without feeling like it still does not make sense. I have tried many different ways to approach this new subject and everyway was helping but not enough.
The graduate round table was also very interesting. So much information is being included into their subjects and you have this clear understanding as to where they are going with their information. I hope to soon be at a point where I can completely make this understandable to anyone whom may have the interest.
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